
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Recipe: Fried Pickles

Things are finally getting back to normal around here.  I am slowly starting to feel a bit better.  I still have a ways to go, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

While I am recuperating, my mom is making meals for the girls.  We L-O-V-E fried pickles and my mom has an awesome recipe.


Fried Pickles
(recipe by Peggy Watson)
{print recipe}

Seasoned Egg Wash
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup milk
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Dash of of hot sauce (or to taste)

Seasoned Flour
2 cups AP flour
1/2 tbsp garlic salt
1/2 tbsp paprika
1/4 tsp poultry seasoning
2 tsp pepper

Oil for deep frying
Dill pickles, hamburger chip

Heat oil in deep pot.  Whisk together all ingredients for egg wash, set aside.  Mix ingredients for flour mixture in a shallow dish.  Dip pickle chips in flour mix, then egg wash, then back into the flour mixture.  Fry chips until golden brown, about 1 minute.  Do not overcrowd your pot.  Drain on paper towels.

Serve with ranch dressing, or condiment of your choice.

Linked To:
* My Tiny Kitchen: This Week's Cravings
* A Southern Fairytale:  Mouthwatering Mondays
* Blessed with Grace:  Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
* It's a Blog Party:  Delicious Dishes
* All the Small Stuff:  Tuesdays at the Table
* Mandy's Recipe Box:  Totally Tasty Tuesday
* Mess Hall to Bistro:  Made From Scratch Tuesday
* Dining with Debbie:  What's On the Menu Wedneday
* Lark's County Heart:  Made it Monday
* It's A Keeper:  It's A Keeper Thursday
* Mommy's Kitchen:  Potluck Sunday




  1. Love the recipe,,, this is self rising flour? I will be trying this recipe soon.

  2. These sound yummy! I've never tried the, I have have to one day soon!

  3. I've had these before and they are pretty good.
    Thanks for linking up on Totally Tasty Tuesdays!

  4. OK this is something I KNOW my daughter would LOVE.

    I want to invite you to join in on a WEEKLY RECIPE LINK PARTY on my blog:

    "Made it on Monday" can link up every WED.-SAT. :)

    I hope to see your recipes soon

  5. Yum! A restaurant here makes fried pickles, and I love them!!

  6. I am your newest follower! :)

    I as so glad you linked up to:
    "Made it on Monday"

    come join in often!

  7. WOW, I think my twins would love these.

    Thanks for sharing on THIS WEEK’S CRAVINGS. The theme this week is “HUSBAND’S Cook”, please come back and share a HUBBY recipe post if you have one

    Next week (MONDAY) is an “Incredible Edible Egg Recipes” on THIS WEEK’S CRAVINGS, we hope to see you agian!

  8. Thanks so much for linking up to What's On the Menu Wednesday at Dining With Debbie. I hope you will visit often and link up whenever your can. Also, I'm glad to hear you are on the mend. We love fried pickles. We used to stop and get them at this one little drive-in that was on our way back to college. That place was always packed!

  9. YUM! I love fried pickles and tried to make them but it was a giant flop. I'll try your recipe! Thanks!
