
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Walgreens Deals: More rolling deals!

I had some great rolling deals this morning.  Here is what I purchased:

  1. Vaseline Infustion Lotion   $6.99
  2. Halls Refreshe  $1.00
Subtotal:  $$7.99

Coupons Used:
  1. Vaseline Infusion Lotion  $1.50
  2. Halls Refreshe $.35
Subtotal:  $1.85
Total OOP:  $6.65 w/tax

  1. RR Vaseline Lotion $7.00
  2. RR Halls Refreshe $1.00
Subtotal:  $8.00

Total for transaction #1:  $1.35 profit



  1. Dulcolax Balance $7.00
  2. Robitussin To Go $2.49
  3. Trident Layers Gum $1.29
  4. Trident Layers Gum $.71
Subtotal: $10.49

Coupons Used:
  1. Dulcolax Balance $3.00 (cpn can be found on bottle or here)
  2. Trident Layers $1.29 (cpn was B1G1, Walgreen's takes the highest price)
  3. Chapstick RR $3.00
Subtotal: $7.29

Total OOP: $3.94 w/tax

  1. RR Dulcolax Balance $4.00
  2. RR Robitussin To Go $2.50 (also received a $1.00 cpn for the 10ct pack)
  3. Trident Layers Gum $1.00
Subtotal: $7.50

There is a $5.00 MIR for the Dulxolax Balance, so this make it even a great deal!

Total for transaction #2: $3.56 profit + $5.00 MIR = $8.56 (This is a great money maker!)

Grand total for both tranactions:
   $10.59 OOP
  -$15.50 RR
  -$  5.00 MIR
   $9.91 PROFIT!

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