
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Recipe: Navajo Tacos

In our house, we love most things Tex-Mex. Okay, the truth is, I love most things Tex-Mex and since I do all the cooking around here, we eat a lot of it.  It's one of the perks of being the cook!  I have been trying to add more vegetarian dishes to our weekly menu and I have to say this was a huge hit with the family...especially since my girls don't love traditional tacos.  I made these a couple of weeks ago, but was reminded of them when The Pioneer Woman posted her fry bread recipe.  While I didn't use her recipe for the bread, I might give it a try the next time I make these.  I have a recipe that I have been using for awhile now.  It is super simple, doesn't use milk and taste delicious (especially when covered with beans, lettuce, cheese, etc.)  I don't usually make our tacos with meat.  I make mine with my Crock Pot Pintos, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and lots of salsa verde (as seen in the above but it would be just as delicious with beef or chicken as well. 

Navajo Tacos

1 cup AP flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon powdered milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup water
Vegetable oil for frying

pinto beans
taco meat
shredded cheese
sour cream

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, powdered milk and baking powder. Pour the water over the flour mixture all at once and stir the dough with a fork until it starts to form one big clump. Flour your hands and begin to mix the dough, trying to get all the flour into the mixture to form a ball. Don't knead the dough, just mix it well.  Cut the dough into four pieces. Using your floured hands, shape, stretch, pat, and form a disk of about 5 to 7 inches in diameter.  They don't need to be perfectly round by any means.

Heat the vegetable oil to about 350 degrees. Your oil should be about an inch deep in a large cast-iron skillet or other large frying pan. 

Take the formed dough and gently place it into the oil, being careful not to splatter the hot oil. Press down on the dough as it fries so the top is submersed into the hot oil. Fry until brown, and then flip to fry the other side. Each side will take about 3 to 4 minutes.

To assemble the tacos, start with a fry bread then layer on your toppings; pinto beans, meat, lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheese, salsa, sour cream...whatever you would like.


Linked To:
*It's A Keeper: It's A Keeper Thursday
*Around My Family Table: Turning the Table Thursday
*Momnivore's Dilemma: Creative Juice
*Miz Helen's Country Cottage: Full Plate Thursday 
*Frugal Follies: Frugal Food Thursday 
*Somewhat Simple: Strut Your Stuff Thursday 
*What's Allie Making: Making It With Allie
*Bacon Time With The Hungry Hungry Hippo: Anything Goes
*Six Sister's Stuff: Strut Your Stuff Saturday
*EKat's Kitchen: Friday Potluck 
*Simply Sweet Home: Friday Favorites
*Stuff and Nonsense: Fridays Unfolded 
*Run DMT: Friday Food Fights 
*Amy's Finer Things: Finer Things Friday 
*Food Renegade: Fight Back Friday 
*The Sweet Details: Savory Sunday 
*Lamb Around: Not Baad Sundays 
*My Sweet and Savory:  Meatless Mondays
*Boogieboard Cottage: Masterpiece Monday 
*All the Small Stuff: Tuesdays At The Table 
*Chef in Traning:  Tuesday Talent Show 


  1. Hi! Visiting from Turning the Table Thursday.
    I've always wanted to try Navajo Tacos. Trust me---my dough will not be perfectly round!

  2. Hi Wende,
    Your Tacos are just awesome, we are going to just love them. I can't wait to give them a try! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  3. Okay. So now I'm really hungry for these:) Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks delish!

    We'd love for you to share your recipes with us at

    Simply Delish Saturday

  5. Featuring on Thursday at Bacon Time.
