
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Recipe: Grandma Lewis' Chocolate Pie

This pie recipe comes from my grandmother, Nadine Lewis.  How awesome is that name...Nadine?  When I started having babies, I wanted to use her name for one of my girls.  But, because my sister is named after her, I thought I would let her have a chance to use it.  Well guess what?  She had all boys and I am done having babies.  What a shame!  I was robbed of that beautiful name and I blame it all on my sister.  I am still in therapy about!  

Grandma was my dad's mom and she was one of the best bakers.  I remember at Christmas she would bake like mad and we would have the most fabulous yummy goodness there was.  She made very traditional goodies like divinity, date nut loaves, rum balls and persimmon cakes.  This list goes on and on.  However, this pie was her most requested dessert.  My dad would request it from her whenever he could.  This is not a typical chocolate pie.  It has the taste of hot chocolate and is so delightful.  I have not made this pie in years because I lost my recipe but just recently found it.  Believe me, that will not happen again.  It is going in my recipe book never to be lost again.  I have made two of these pies since Thanksgiving.  Not all of my family likes meringue, so for Christmas I left it off and it was just as good. 

I hope you enjoy this pie as much as our family does!

Grandma Lewis' Chocolate Pie
(recipe by Wende Rickett/The Rickett Chronicles)

1 stick butter
2 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3 eggs, separated
3 tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup flour
2 cups milk
1 baked pie shell

Melt butter in a medium saucepan.  Add sugar and mix well.  Stir in vanilla and egg yolks.  Add cocoa and flour; stirring well until combined.  Add milk whisking until there are no lumps.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thick (pudding consistency).  Pour into baked pie shell.  Refrigerate overnight.  Top with meringue if desired.


3 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 cup sugar

In a very clean mixing bowl, add egg whites and cream of tartar.  Turn on mixer and sprinkle in sugar while beating.  Beat until eggs whites are stiff and can hold a peak.  Spread meringue over pie making sure to cover the edges to seal the pie filling.  If you want a baked meringue, put in under the broiler for a few minutes making sure you keep an eye on it until it reaches the desired golden brown color.

Linked To:
  * Something Swanky: Sweet Treats Thursday


  1. My mother in law always made her chocolate pies from scratch and I could never duplicate it. This might be the closest recipe to it. Sounds delicious.

  2. love chocolate pie my sister in law can make one of the best I will try this recipe and see what my family thinks

  3. Oh! I love, love, LOVE chocolate pie! I could really use a slice of this about now!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  4. I love all things chocolate (and meringue!) I've never tried to make a chocolate pie from scratch before though. Thank you for the recipe :)

  5. Oh man....that looks so good!!
    I'm following from the blog
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  6. Where I live (Belgium), the pronunciation of the name Nadine is a little different and it doesn't sound as lovely as in English. It's a very common name here for elder people. Her pie looks really lovely and I might give it a try soon :-)

  7. I LOVE chocolate pie! Thanks for linking up :)

    {Sweet Treats Thursday}

  8. I would love for you to enter your recipe into a little pie contest I'm having. YOu can find all the info right here

    hope to see you there!!
